Monday, October 30, 2006

Enter Now!


As Thanksgiving aprochez, it's time to give thanks for the happy homes owr hyoomans have givin us, and heck, it'd be nice for owr hyoomans to aknolije how thankful they are to have us arownd!

So, heer's yer chanse to git yer hyoomans to say why yer importunt to them.

This is a "Tales of Devoshun" contest. For this contest, yer hyooman(s) will rite a storey abowt why YOO are importunt to them. Yoo can inklood text, fotos, video, and anything else yoo can think of. No limits. It can be as long or short as yoo like, and it can be in any format (a story, a poem, a song, a top ten list --- anything!) Yoo can see samples heer. Altho yoo can rite abowt anything, heer are sum things yoo mite wunt to diskuss if yoo don't know ware to start:

  • How did yer hyooman find yoo?
  • How do yoo demonstrate affekshun to yer hyooman?
  • How have yoo endeerd yerself to yer peeple?
  • Did an event happen that bonded yoo and yer peeple?
  • What makes yoo a member of yer hyooman's famly rather than just a creechur they feed Fancy Feest to?
Reed this exserpt frum the introdukshun to the book, "Tails of Devotion," by Emily Scott Pottruck to find owt more. And heer's Catster's Tails of Devotion page, with lots of samples.

As an ixzample, this is whut my Food Lady mite rite abowt me:
I reely love Skeezix the Cat. I'm lukkey to have a cat hoo dresses as well as Skeezix duz. Skeezix has lots of frends. He's a frendly cat. Even tho he's stinky, we still love him. Evry morning, he can't wate to come into the peeple bedroom and sit on my nek and purr. He's the best cat ever. --- By the Food Lady

For sekyurity, instruckshuns on signing in are on Skeezix's blog.

In addishun to yer Tale of Devoshun, make shur yoo add a link to yer blog or Catster page so I can git in tuch with yoo if yoo win!


  1. Yer Tale of Devoshun must be submitted by yer hyooman(s). Yoo can't rite one abowt yerself and enter it. That wood be cheeting and cheeting izn't nice.
  2. Yoo can enter one cat or a household of cats for each tale. HOWEVER, no cat can appeer in more than one entrey. (For example, Grr, Midnight and Cocoa cood be entered as three entreez: one for Grr, one for Midnight, and one for Cocoa; or they cood be entered as one entrey: Grr, Midnight and Cocoa; or two entreez: one with Grr and Midnight, and one for Cocoa; but they cood NOT be entered as a groop AND indivijually.)
  3. Entreez must be submitted prior to NOON (PST) Friday, November 17th.
  4. Yoo can update, revise and add to yer entry at any time, even after voting has begun.
  5. Winners will be chozen by popyuler vote. Voting will begin at 12:01 pm on Saturday, November 18th and continue through 11:59 pm on Wednesday, November 23rd. Voting instrukshuns will be posted on my blog when voting opens.
  6. In the event of a tie, a panel consisting of Skeezix the Cat, Mao, Rocky the Gutter Cat and Tripper the psyko stray cat will chooze the winner. In that case, the one not chozen the winner will still reeseeve a copy of the book.
  7. I can change the roolz anytime I wunt becuz it's my contest.
  8. Voting is open to anyone. Only one vote allowed per valid emale adress. Yoo are enkerijed to solisit votes frum yer frends and famly.
  9. Eech entrey gits a secund vote. If multiple cats are grooped in a singul entrey, they git one extra vote. If they are in seprit entreez, eech entrey gits a vote. Yoo will post yer extra vote in the comments sekshun of yer entry. For yer extra vote, yoo cannot vote for yerself or a cat in yer howsehold.
  10. Winner will be annownst on Thanksgiving Day, November 24th.

    In case yer wundering why this isn't a contest for YOO to say how importunt yer persun is to yoo, yoo'll git yer chanse with the next contest. The last contest of the yeer will be a "Food Lady/Food Dude of the Yeer Award," in wich yoo'll git to nominate yer persun with yer own tale of devoshun.


Blogger Frend of Skeezix said...

This is Eclair's mom. To start this past year has been a very difficult one for me. Without going into detail it involves the demise of my marriage to someone I considered my soulmate and bestfriend. We were quite blissful together and we both swore we would be together forever...but sometimes forever doesn't last. So in my grieving many of my friends helped me in various ways. A woman I work with suggested getting a pet, a dog or cat, so I wouldn't feel so alone.
Since I live in an apartment with no fenced yard I dismissed the dog idea because I know how much time having a dog can take, especially daily walks, etc. I also didn't think I'd want a cat because, having had cats before, I wasn't sure I wanted to deal with kitty litter and hairballs again (a former cat threw up a hairball into one of my shoes and guess how I found it? LOL).

Then one day I was web surfing and reading news. I came across an article about a cat here in CT that had a legal injunction placed on it because its neighbors accused him of attacking them. In this article there were comments of support by various people and one of the links was to Skeezix's weblog. Being adventurous I clicked and was so entertained by Skeezix's writing! I then followed another link to and casually began looking at cats up for adoption here in CT. When I came upon Eclair's picture and her description I felt something tug at my heart. I thought about it a couple days and then sent the shelter (Amanda Connection in Newtown, CT) an email inquiring about adopting Eclair. After some missed connections the lady who runs the shelter brought Eclair to meet me and I simple fell instantly in love with this sweet little black kitty. She purred in my arms and rubbed against me. She wasn't timid or skittish at all, she curiously explored my home. I knew I wanted her never to leave so I signed all the papers and she was mine.

I have never regretted for one second the decision to adopt Eclair. She has brought me happiness during a time of great pain. She gives me unconditional love and its helped me so much just knowing that when I come home from work she is waiting for me. She is very devoted to me as I am to her, she wants to be near me all the time. She sleeps in my lap when I am at the computer or watching TV. She happily eats anything I give her (she was a little skinny when I got her but she is sleek and filled out now). She follows me around the house, and its as if she has radar when I go into the bathroom, she appears out of nowhere, jumps up on the edge of the bathtub and meows for pets. She headbutts my hand for more.
She is playful and funny and very vocal. I don't mind it at all even when we roughhouse a bit and she grabs my arm and gently bites me, its never with visciousness, she has never done anything "mean", not ever hissed or spit. She likes to pat my face with her paw too.

I love the fact that when I go to bed at night she climbs up and puts her face close to mine, gives me a sweet little kiss while purring quite loudly and then flops down, sometimes right on my head/face, and puts her little soft paws in my hand. She curls up and drifts off to sleep next to me and never leaves all night long. In the morning she can be quite insistant about getting up and getting her breakfast but its a routine that brings me much happiness. I know she loves me, I don't feel she simply tolerates me because I feed her. Its nice to be able to bring her home new toys and treats. She is very very special to me.

I couldn't imagine my life without her happy presence now and I know she will never leave me. Its a promise we will both keep.
And all because of Eclair I now have a lot of other wonderful kitty friends and the humans that love them too. I owe it all to Skeezix, the nicest cat in the world...second only to my sweet Eclair!!

2:55 PM  

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